Controls a wide range of Plant Pests.
See list of Plants with typical pest damage to leaves. Go to section "Typical Pest Leaf Damage".
Is GreenEx™ an Oil? It is a specially formulated, highly refined, horticultural grade spray oil plus Ultra-Violet Light (UV) protectors, food grade emulsifier and a humectant to prevent loss of plant moisture.
Is GreenEx™ a Winter or a Summer spray oil? It can be used all year round.
What differentiates GreenEx™ from Winter and Summer spray oils?
What differentiates GreenEx™ from chemical pesticides? GreenEx™ works by physical, not chemical, means on the basic physiology of insects of breathing, eating and egg laying. Pest resistance to GreenEx™ has not been recorded.
How does GreenEx™work?
Do the plants’ stomata (pores) become blocked as well?
Does GreenEx™ kill insects immediately?
What pests is GreenEx™effective on?
How does GreenEx™ differentiate between beneficial and destructive insects?
What are the benefits to the user?